Staršie príspevky
Arnold Amateur World Championships
- Podrobnosti
- Kategória: Archív starších článkov
- Napísané: štvrtok, 03. marec 2011, 20:46
- Uverejnené: štvrtok, 03. marec 2011, 20:46
- Napísal: All rights reserved, Igor Svítok, © Copyright 1998 - 2025
- Prečítané: 3520x
I hope training is going well for you or your athletes that will be participating in the 2011 Arnold Amateur World Championships.If you or your athlete has not done so already, please have them make their hotel reservations by calling 614-224-6539 and you must use the code B262STRONG or they will tell you there are no more rooms left. The cost is 128.00 plus tax per night.
Each athlete will receive a weekend pass for himself and one for a coach or friend.
Their will be a rules meeting on Thursday evening at 8:00pm. The location of the meeting will be sent to you all in another email. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
Coming soon to a city near you!
America's Strongest Man® Arnold Amateur Strongman World Championships March 4-6th, 2011
Augusta, GA...Southern Strongman Challenge..... March 26, 2011
Hot Springs, AR - August 5 - 6, 2011 (America’s Strongest Man®)
Las Vegas, NV - September 16 - 17, 2011 (Olympia Strongman Challenge)